Care for oily skin: the Golden rules, and possible error

Not every woman can boast a perfect skin. One of the most common problems faced by the fair sex, – excessive oiliness of the skin. Oily Shine, enlarged pores, acne progressed rashes, the eternal companion of oily skin. The Epidermis of this type requires regular special care in complex and ever: he should include only the use of the right cosmetics, but also the adherence to certain recommendations.

Care for oily facial skin

Oily skin and the Golden rules of care

Many think that the proper care of oily skin is incredibly difficult to perform. But actually should only be a faithful algorithm a note of the necessary cosmetic procedures, and strictly to the day-to-day throughout the year.

First and foremost, you need to understand that fat, the skin requires regular thorough cleaning, with the simple morning and evening wash with clear water will not be enough. To get rid of this Shine, dilated pores, pimples and blackheads, you need to pick up a gentle cleanser for daily use. It is best when there is a special cream or foam for oily skin type. Apply such make-up in the face massaged with a special brush properly – this will deep cleanse the pores and remove the skin and excess fat and dead cells.

In addition, the pores constrict, we recommend that after cleaning, rinse the face with lukewarm water with the addition of lemon juice, or clean the skin with an ice cube. You can also plant a tonic, and to remove not only after the washing, but also in the course of the day, greasy Shine and refresh the face.

Method detoxifying Massage with the application of Gels or foams. in the morning and in the evening The evening wash is absolutely necessary: first, it eliminates the dirt that accumulated in your face per day, and secondly, the decorative cosmetics, you do not leave, in any case, in the night destroyed, there is a greater occlusion of the pores and formation of blackheads threatens. Use for cleaning the face only with warm or cold water, as warm to the Intensive production of sebum stimulates.

The next step after the washing, the proper fluid intake should be. Very the opinion, that the oily skin of the Person is still fat, if you on moisture cream. But actually, poor nutrition of the skin worsens the Situation: this not only leads to premature fading of the skin, but also increases the production of fat. Should have the cream of light texture and always the age-related peculiarities of the Epidermis. For example, care for oily skin of Person after 30 years, involves the use of creams with Anti-Aging effect.

1-2 times per week, it is necessary to scrub and scrub, as well as the procedure with the application of cosmetic masks. All these manipulations have an additional cleansing,, nourishing and anti-inflammatory effect. For such procedures, natural home remedies are plant-based.

The question of how to care for oily skin of the Person, not the last role healthy food plays, because of the condition of the skin largely depends on the work of the gastro-intestinal tract. Should stop harmful additives and food with a high fat content, and in return you give in the diet of more fresh fruits, vegetables and cereals. And, of course, eliminate them from your life of addiction disorders.

Top 5 mistakes in eliminating oily skin: how not to care for the face

In order to understand how to properly care for oily skin of the Person, we don't need to remind you what to do, trying to get rid of enlarged pores and Shine. Here are the most common errors in the care of oily skin at home:

the rules of care
  1. The use of aggressive cleaning agents. It's cosmetics with the potent components, including ethyl alcohol. Cleaned using similar cleaning compositions, the owner of the problematic skin-Shine try ugly with the help of the degreasing of the Epidermis. But to produce, in fact, because it means the skin Stress, and the body begins even more sebum to protect the Epidermis from drying out.
  2. A common implementation of peels and scrubs to use. Deep cleansing of the skin in moderation. The abuse of this process leads to dehydration of the Dermis, and depletion of the cells, and as a result, the same effect that was already described above in the case of the application of strong cleaning agents. In addition, from scrubs and scrubs should take off, if on the face there is inflammation.
  3. Extrusion of pimples and comedones (blackheads and whiteheads). This skin provokes damages and, in addition, can lead to the spread of infection and much more serious problems. Best entrust mechanical face cleaning professional who leads him according to all the rules.
  4. The use of therapeutic drugs for acne without a prescription. Care for problem skin with the application of drugs you can practice only after consultation with the doctor. In the best case, wrong choice of medium to have any effect, and in the worst case, even more may spoil the condition of the skin.
  5. Abuse of diets. On your diet girl with skin problems, you do not necessarily need, but some feel this rule too literally, and "sit" on strict diet so that will only exacerbate the Situation: it is highly damaging to the digestive tract and, accordingly, affects the state of the Epidermis.

These errors play a major role in the care of the skin after 25 years, and in the more Mature age and are able to reduce to zero the advantages of the proper care over your face, so be sure to avoid such manipulations, if you normalize the condition of the skin of the ceiling.

Homemade masks, scrubs, and scrubs for oily skin types

Regardless of how old you are – twenty, thirty, or forty – special funds for the care of greasy facial to cosmetics permanent residents of their home-made shelves. For Moody skin, the best choice of cosmetics, made from natural and safe ingredients. Masks, peels and scrubs from natural ingredients, excellent effect on fat, Epidermis, deep cleansing, nourish and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

At home, she scrubs and scrubs, according to the following recipes:

  1. Fruity Scrub. In a blender grind 2-3 TSP of ripe pomegranate, 1 tbsp. L. honey and 1 tbsp of lemon juice. The mixture is rubbed in your face massaged, and after 10 minutes with cold water to wash off. It is recommended to apply the previously dampened skin.
  2. Sugar Scrub. You need to mix 1 tbsp. L. sugar, milk, and crushed in a blender with Aloe applied to the skin and RUB in a circular motion, after 1-2 minutes rinse with warm water.
  3. Oatmeal Scrub. 1 tbsp oatmeal, combine with 1 tbsp. L. Kefir or natural yoghurt, add a pinch of fine salt. The mixture is gently rubbed on the face for 3-4 minutes, then wash off.

For oily facial skin care necessarily involves the application of masks. For the efficient carrying out of the procedure immediately after the use of peels or scrubs at this point, the skin is deeply cleansed and max ready for the absorption of nutrients.

One of the best caring agent for Epidermis prone to oily, cosmetic formulations on the Basis of clay. For example, you can mix white or blue clay with egg whites until a smooth thick mass, and apply the mixture on your face for 10 minutes. A good way to improve the condition of the skin is removed, the mask of white and blue clay, in the same proportions and divorced of fresh cucumber juice.

Perfectly suitable for oily skin, masks made from dairy products. You use for the face, a mixture of 3 tbsp yogurt and 1 tbsp low-fat cottage cheese. The mass is applied to the skin and 15 minutes, and after washing with cold water.

Which means you choose, prior to the first use of a Test for an allergic reaction, especially when in the mask, or exfoliating scrub with fruit, berries or honey: RUB the wrist a little ready-made mix, and wait a few minutes. Redness, rash or itching, do not use more skin at the site of the mid – excuse.

homemade masks

At observance of all rules of skin care-fat type, a careful and regular care of your face, a change for the better will not be visible in a couple of weeks, however, this means that from this Moment on, the care process can be omitted. Only constant control over the condition of the skin of the ceiling guarantees the preservation of the result on long time.