Antonio author



  • Fractional laser skin rejuvenation: what it is, indications and contraindications to the procedure, differences between fractional laser procedures and other types, advantages and disadvantages, preparation for the procedure, effect of the procedure, complications, rehabilitation period, reviews.
    2 September 2020
  • With age, the skin loses its resilience and elasticity. The first wrinkles, tint is dark, appear Hyper-pigmentation and other signs of decay.
    9 September 2018
  • Skin rejuvenation today is the reality. RF-Lifting the people
    17 August 2018
  • Natural remedies for the face are becoming more and more popular. Many people forgo the usual Beauty products with chemical formulas in favor of what is used for youth, freshness and smoothness Person to our grandmothers.
    15 August 2018