10 the means necessary to care for the face

Each and every girl very carefully care for your faceand carefully to him. Not everyone of them knows what products must be present on the shelf. In today's time, a variety of means on care of the Person, to understand an inexperienced Person is very difficult to buy what is worthwhile and what is Optional. We have decided to find out how to properly care for the face.

healthy skin

Healthy skin is radiant skin, the pores on the skin will be small, inflammation and blackheads on the healthy skin should not be. All know that proper diet and ample pure water to drink per day had a very positive effect on the condition of the skin, but that is not enough. Therefore, every girl should know, what resources you will need to be used regularly to have a healthy appearance.< /p>

Some are too lazy to care for your face properly and conscientiously. But if you start every day improving the condition of the skin may notice. A good result and to girls motivate regularly monitors the condition of the skin.


Gels and foams for wash, this is the most important thing in the bathroom of every girl. In the morning and in the evening, the skin is thoroughly cleaned. Per night, the facial skin is so dirty, and how in the course of the day. Also, the purified facial skin allows more effective action of those agents which are used after the wash. To remove before washing the cleaning solution, make wash-up using micellar water, then. For dry skin, better resources, and for oily gels and foams suitable creamy.

2.Face water

Tonic is very important, after washing use. It restores skin water balance of the face. Also, the Tonic gives the skin a fresh feeling that is your tone, smoothes out irregularities and redness, make-up remnants away. After the regular use of the tonic, it is clear that the skin shines and looks healthy. Dry skin Tonic on the Basis of rose water for mixing skin products are based on acids and for oily skin Glycerin tonic.

3.Peeling for the face

The skin every girl needs exfoliation of dead cells. It must be 1-2 times per week. Dead skin cells on the face clogging the pores, causing inflammation, skin rashes and black spots. If you regularly exfoliate improving the skin, then the skin on the face will look clean and healthy, it also helps in the elimination of small wrinkles and scars, and smooths the skin tone of the face.

Owners of oily skin should not use scrubs. Owners of dry skin you can use, but not necessarily after the procedure the skin or exfoliating should moisturize to replace a gentler method, for example, Peeling volume. This method creates such a particle, the of all the dead cells and black dots. Owner of sensitive skin, it is recommended that the means-based, such ingredients, such as rice or oatmeal.

Face cream

4.Daily moisturizing cream for the face

Each skin constantly needs moisture and food. Regardless of what kind. can not be dried Oily skin, if dry, then it will produce sebum in large quantities so that protesting. The skin needs to protect from the sun's rays, it is necessary to buy the funds with the words SPF. Drinking large amounts of water can not cope always to moisturizing the skin, therefore, it is necessary to help.

Owners of dry skin, should pay attention to saturated with creams in which structure of the Avocado. Oily skin loves natural products, plant-based, the consistency is more like a Gel. You need the cream for the face with the least aromatic substances, in order not to cause allergies.

5.Night cream

Night moisturizing cream, thick and greasy, than during the day. In you a lot more Anti-Aging comes active ingredients.

While the humans sleep in the night, the cream works on the skin, gradually absorbed, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. For oily skin, lighter creams, so that the fats do not clog the pores, but dry skin, on the contrary, must as far as possible of fatty acids.

6.Eye cream

The skin around the eyes — the delicate on the face, so that it is necessary to maintain, protect, and moisturize. The eye cream is able to not only moisturize the skin, but remove the swelling and dealbatio bruising under the eyes. Creams for the skin around the eyes, the skin does not Shine, not to forget the main thing, to use on a regular basis. It the cream on a natural Basis and without flavouring substances is recommended. The skin around the eyes more susceptible to allergies.

7.Face serum

Serum for the face very rarely in the presence of girls. The Serum is concentrated much, compared with a moisturizer. In the sera of a large amount of vitamins and minerals, you are able to fight with problems such as dryness, scarring, inflammation, etc.only the right one for your skin type Must contain.

The Serum created, not for the humidification of the skin and for easy handling. You are able to the skin to make a Shine, the sound of aligning, smoothing, redness, and inflammation in the skin supple. Owners of oily skin is recommended the Serum to the base of Retinol and glycolic acid for dry skin better suited to lightweight and low-fat.

Facial oil

8.Facial oil

The oil is also skin is very important for the face. the body can not get the proper amount of oil to produce, so as to help him. Among the most popular oils, those with apricot Jojoba -, core -, Avocado -, wild roses, and borage. Problem is tea tree oil skin popular, because it has an antiseptic property, the inflammation heal faster.

9.Masks for the face

Face masks – a very popular means among the girls. But, unfortunately, not all give you, of course, the preference. Facial mask are cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, rejuvenating, soothing and fumantemque. Face masks you need 1-3 times per week.

There are fabric masks, and not the substance. Both of those very well on the skin. The fabric can be on the skin for up to 30 minutes, then wipe off the remains of the neck and décolleté, the fabric masks can also hold on the face for 30 minutes, then rinsed off with water. Many masks can be made at home.

Dry skin you have to nourish constantly and moisturizing, this mask will help greatly. Oily skin is necessary in order to scrape, to you first on the face fumantemque mask applied, and then a cleansing, for better effect. Before use, the mask must be an allergic reaction.

10.Sun cream for the face

If the daily moisture cream, and decorative Concealer contain SPR, nevertheless, you must constantly use a sunscreen for the face, especially those living in the South. Not in vain one says: "the Northern women are the most beautiful". This is because the skin of the face in the North, less sunlight, UV radiation will age the skin faster and faster, the first wrinkles appear. For better result, you must the sun cream several times a day.

Sun cream

The face is the business card of every person. You protect and take care of the skin of the face. No one wants wrinkles appeared 30 years ago, so that the skin was with acne or scars. Everyone is responsible for their own beautiful and a healthy look.