Lifting-mask for the neck in the home

Sagging skin, wrinkles on the neck and décolleté — the majority of women notice these unpleasant signs of skin aging after forty years. But also in the younger age delicate skin in these areas often leaves much to be desired. Do not rush to go to a Beauty Salon for expensive treatments — their difficulties, it is quite possible to help and independently at home.

Beautiful neck — at any age


It is known that the neck reveals the true age of a woman. Well-groomed, with a perfect make-up a Person-to-glow of youth, but looking at sagging neck and wrinkles in the décolleté can blouse enough to understand: this lady is older than she would seem.

Why so fast the skin ages on your neck? The reasons can be multiple:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • siccitas and malnutrition Dermis;
  • the weak work of the blood vessels;
  • the negative effects of the environment, including direct sunlight;
  • bad food, lack of physical activity, Smoking.

To stop the process of aging is never to late and to hard-to — help, the natural masks, the cook is quite possible at home.

Specifics of care

There are certain rules of care for neck and décolleté with a pullup masks. If you want to achieve a good result and to secure permanently, follow these simple recommendations:

  • A mask should be only well-cleaned, treated Peeling or lightly damped skin.
  • Care for neck and décolleté should be regular and not on a case-by — case in a young age, enough to weekly masks, after 30 years, you will have to do twice a week, after 40 — three times, and after 50 daily Anti-Aging courses.
  • It is recommended that the mask in strictly and gently massage from bottom to top and from the center to the periphery.
  • During the procedure, the skin, it is important not unnecessarily to ludicro stress and keep your head high, wrinkles explicatis.
  • You rinse, the composition of the pullup masks abundant, the skin remained perfectly clean; rinse well, and their decoction of herbs, cube cut, or RUB the cosmetic ice.
  • A side effect of this natural Lifting can be a excessive degreasing of the skin — don't forget to nourish your favorite cream.

Beauty Recipes

The neck and décolleté is a very sensitive areas in the body of every woman, and, accordingly, attention should be paid to him not less than the facial care. National cosmetics has lots of great recipes, and some of them have reached us for a very long time.

Cleaning, feeding, and Pull-up mask

Lifting effect for the neck and décolleté is not a simple task. For a full tightening of the skin in these areas is absolutely necessary for a regular gentle cleansing: deep hydration and nutrition. It is important in the selection of components for the mask to take into account the age, skin type and other properties.



A very simple and effective scrub for the neck, not only facilitates cleaning, but also the smoothing of the skin. The coffee process can be used to age women of all ages.


  • dormientes coffee — 1 tablespoon;
  • greasy sour cream — 1 tablespoon.


  • You mix the ingredients, and the mass gently massage massage into the skin.
  • Rinse off in the shower, when the mask starts to dry a little.


Masks with milky-acidic products are very useful for the rejuvenation of aging neck and décolleté, especially after the age of 50 years. Bonus cottage cheese, is that this product smoothes not only wrinkles, but also, simultaneously, perfectly cleans the skin.

Citrus fruits ingredients, effectively creating a rapid and irreversible Lifting effect, working in Association with Quark.


  • lemon and orange — a fruit of medium size;
  • Fat cottage cheese — 2 tablespoons with the top;
  • sour cream with a high proportion of fat — 1 tablespoon.


  • Thoroughly washed with boiling water and citrus scalded fruit in the blender and grind until the state of the mash — don't shoot the shell.
  • The fragrant mass of cottage cheese, add and whip until the removal of the grains; add sour cream.
  • Apply to neck and décolleté area.
  • After twenty minutes, rinse with water.


Normal priced food gelatin is the source of a valuable building material for cells and collagen. But if the face Film skin effective masks on the Basis of gelatin, in the compositions for rejuvenation of the neck, as a rule, fat, nourishing components and the structure of such masks is reminiscent of jelly.


  • Food Gelatin — 1 Tablespoon;
  • fatty cream — 1 tablespoon;
  • boiled milk — 0.5 cups.


  • Stir in cold milk, gelatin granules and the swelling.
  • After about an hour into the mass, add the cream, mix well, and a wide cosmetic brush to distribute on the skin on the neck and décolleté.
  • After twenty minutes of wet napkin or towel, soak impose on mask and remove the mask.
  • Wash the herbs decoction and lubricate the skin nourishing cream.

Creamy Oatmeal

Tightened Skin

Intensely nourishes the skin quickly and gives her the lost elasticity.


  • Flakes Of Oatmeal — 1 Glass;
  • uncooked fresh milk — 0,5 glasses;
  • fatty cream and homemade Butter — 1 tablespoon.


  • Oatmeal to flour mill to grind coffee, heat the milk.
  • Steamed oats, milk powder, and immediately in a mixture of cream and oil, stirred well enter.
  • The mask you hold for a quarter of an hour, then wash and Massage the skin.


Natural Vitamin mask suitable for all skin types — rich composition of fruits and berries has a beneficial effect on the delicate leather neck and décolleté skin, activates the Update at the cellular level.

For such masks need to, always Mature, and even better — overslept fruits (peaches, grapes, bananas, Kiwi, Avocado, apricot, etc.).


  • Ripe Fruits — 200 Grams;
  • Milk Fat — 0.5 Cups.


  • Wash, clean, and place in a Mixer ripe fresh fruit.
  • Add the milk and mix until the contents of the Mixer until it is homogeneous.
  • Relax in the supine position, the skin of the fruit,-milk-mass-apply, by the half hour, you wash a shower.
  • You can do a mask two or three times per week.


The composition is very effective for the "resuscitation" of sagging, aging skin, after fifty years.

Dry yeast for this mask is better not to use.


  • Yeast, Bakery — 1 Tablespoon;
  • heated milk — 2 tablespoons;
  • Honey — 1 Tablespoons;
  • Olive Oil — 1 Teaspoon.


  • Mash with a spoon of yeast and pour the warm milk, stirring with honey.
  • The mixture with a towel and leave for half an hour for Fermentation in a warm place.
  • Type in "dough" olive oil, stir, smear on the neck and the upper part of the chest.
  • Yeast mask dries in 15-20 minutes — then it will be necessary, and rinse thoroughly with water.


A very popular daily mask, nourishes deeply the skin and improves its elasticity.


  • Potatoes of medium size — 1 tuber;
  • liquid honey — 1 tablespoons;
  • Olive oil and Glycerin — 1 teaspoon;
  • Egg Yolk Hen's Egg.


  • Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel, without completely cool, and a little crush.
  • Purified potato along with the other components quickly whisk Mixer.
  • The resulting homogeneous mass in the Form of heat smeared on the décolleté and neck.
  • You can act to wash away the last twenty minutes carefully.




  • Puree from fresh pumpkin — 0,5 glasses;
  • Starch — 1 Tablespoon.


  • Grind the pieces of pumpkin in a blender, and uniformly with the starch mix.
  • During the mask — a half-hour, then the skin is abundantly washed with water and dried with a soft towel.
  • Can you post the mask you RUB cucumber on the neck and décolleté — it improves the hydration and elasticity of the skin.


A classic recipe of the repeal of the home, with regular use, ensures the youthfulness and freshness of the skin. The mask is most effective for women between the ages of thirty to forty years.

For this composition fits into any unrefined oil, but the best result will give peach or sea buckthorn.


  • liquid honey (floral, or lime) — 1 tablespoon;
  • raw egg yolks;
  • Vegetable Oil — 1 Tbsp.


  • Stir the components, and lightly beat the mixture.
  • The composition may keep on the skin of a quarter of an hour up to half an hour, depending on how quickly it is absorbed.

Protein Citric Acid

The mask is suitable for women aged 35 to 50 years. Earlier and later applying it is not so advisable.


  • Lemon juice and vegetable oil (almond or flax seed) — 1 teaspoon;
  • Protein;
  • Glycerine — 5-7 Drops.


  • Cool protein and a good Beat; oschparennogo boiling water squeeze lemon.
  • Caution you should connect all of the components of the mask and apply on the cleansed skin of the décolleté, neck and the lower part of the chin.
  • A half-hour, as long as the procedure takes you have to talk in a relaxed condition, at this time is undesirable.

Japanese Ointment

Famous Oriental recipe for beauty and youthfulness of the neck and décolleté.

Girl thirty years ago, enough to put this mask fifteen minutes, twice per week; women, joined for half a century is the limit, you must skip the procedure daily lessons for three weeks with decem.


  • oily homemade sour cream — 1 tablespoon;
  • oil of coconut and lemon juice — 1 teaspoon;
  • Protein.


  • Beat the chilled egg whites to a solid foam.
  • Don't stop beating, in small portions, you give the rest of the ingredients.
  • Caution, movements from the bottom to the top, apply the ointment on the neck, you can wrap easily.
  • During the procedure, you need to try and keep your head high and not to reduce the skin tension on the neck.

Wraps and applications


Technology packages and applications applicable materials, their properties are not superficial, but deep, which is especially important for the smoothing of wrinkles on the neck — such as transverse and longitudinal.

With Sea Salt

Suitable for the process and regular table salt, but the Navy is much better; to combine excellent application with Massage. Do saling, you can applications at any age.


  • Sea Salt — 2 Tablespoons;
  • warm water — 1 Cup.


  • Salt dissolve in water, when a Pellet, merge with him, a solution.
  • Gauze, four times folded, wet in warm salt water, wring it out and put it on the problem areas.
  • After five minutes, repeat the procedure, warm salt solution, and soak in it gauze.
  • Compress in this way can change up to five times.

With honey and milk

A very effective changing, the rapid smoothing of the wrinkles of the neck and décolleté.

This recipe modernized Version of the formula of the beauty of Queen Cleopatra, the daily baths of the same composition.


  • high-quality honey and olive oil — 2 tablespoons;
  • fresh milk — 0.5 liters;
  • Decoction of chamomile — at least a litre.


  • Mix equal parts of olive oil and honey products have a very high quality.
  • Honey-oil mixture from the top to cover up the smearing on the neck and chest, clear film to improve the suction ability.
  • After a half hour of the warm milk slowly, you rinse the skin, massaging it slightly.
  • You give the Rest of the milk to soak for five to seven minutes, then decoction wash with chamomile.

With vegetable oils

According to legend, the authorship of the recipe to a tais of Athens is one of the famous write — with-oil-packs the neck of the beautiful Greek woman sought the striking smoothness of the skin.

For improving the performance of vegetable oils in advance you are on your favorite herbs-healing.


  • Olive Oil — 2 Tablespoons;
  • vegetable oils of your choice, for example, rape-and sunflower oil — 1 tablespoon.


  • Cooking oil-heat up the mixture and about forty degrees.
  • Long, wide wet bonding in blends of oils, a little wring out and Roll up of his neck.
  • Clear film cover, isolate, wool scarf and Roll up.
  • By the half-hour wash the skin with hot water.
  • To do enough of them once per week.


Thin and delicate skin of the neck and chest, which is exposed in contact with aggressive or of the active substances, easily irritation. So, the preparation of a course of Anti-Aging masks, you need a Test to determine your individual tolerance components

To do this, take only a small amount of the finished composition pullup mask and apply it to an inconspicuous place, for example, in the upper part of the neck below the ear. Whether this composition is already after 15-20 minutes — Test for the redness to appear.