How to properly care for the skin of women of 50 years

The proper care for your skin – the promise of the preservation of their youth. It is in 50 years, the other a woman to perceive start as a Mature lady, or Vice versa, as the grandmother. How to care for Mature skin with home remedies share this in our article.

Where are the wrinkles?

Care for skin over 50

Wrinkles on the face, women may appear at different ages. 25 – due to the bad habits, 35 – due to the slowing down of the metabolic processes in the body, and 50 – fold the result of the change of years:

  • after 45 years, the level of estrogen begins in a woman's body to sink;
  • the subcutaneous fat layer of fiber is reduced;
  • Elastin and collagen are produced every day less;
  • the skin starts sagging and wrinkles;
  • the Silhouette of the face changed, cheeks fall, the outer edges of the eyebrows, the wrinkles above the upper lip, wrinkles around the eyes become deeper.

From the above it follows that this process is irreversible, but slowly it is still possible, with the right attention to the condition of the skin after 40-50 years.

Specifics of care

Especially careful in the choice of means should.

  • The cleaning is only allowed, etc., with soft funds on the Basis of natural oils: almond, walnut
  • Tonic should not contain alcohol.
  • Creams should be age-appropriate, like you would a normal moisturizer is useless.
  • You can not forget about the care of the skin of the neck and décolleté, because it's true age can give themselves perfect skin.
  • The cream for the face must be in a.the components such as Vitamin C, K, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, fatty acids
  • Nourishing mask applied at least should be once per week. It can be a mixture of both cooked and competent resources.

The people's recipes to the finish

The most effective in skin care masks from natural products:

  1. Banana mask. Half of a ripe banana mash with a fork, add the cream a spoon. Apply the mask on face for 20 minutes.
  2. Honey-Milk Mask. Spoon yogurt (without Serum) mixed with a spoon of honey. If the mask was too liquid, you can add a starch or flour.
  3. Apricot Mask. The flesh of a very ripe apricots, mash with a fork, add half a teaspoon of seed oil and rice flour and grapes. Soak the mask for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Mask with cucumber. Cucumber grated, mixed with raw egg yolk. On the face of cucumber and apply to the skin around the eyes to cover slices of of fresh.
  5. Mask with Aloe juice. Crumb of rye bread and mash it into small crumbs, add the juice of the Aloe, a handshake, and a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. Buy a ready-made, you can juice in the pharmacy, but it is better to cook by yourself. To do this, you should be adapted to a small Bush of Aloe in a pot. For the preparation of juice or two medium-sized leaves, peel, and easy to mash with a fork.
  6. Gelatinous Mask. The flesh of half a very ripe peach mash with a fork, by peel before. Add Gelatine, a teaspoon, a few drops of peach Butter. The resulting mixture is allowed to apply to the face and allowed to solidify.

Particular care is required and a particularly delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. The components of masks for the skin around the eye needs eyelids fresh and natural:

  • Mask is made from young potatoes. A small raw potato tuber grated, add cream one teaspoon;
  • herbal mask. A teaspoon of chamomile, sage and nettle, with boiling water and let stand five minutes. After cooling, moisten the Infusion swab and apply to the skin of the eyelids;
  • ölmaske. To half a teaspoon of castor oil add three drops of essential oil of cinnamon, the solution of Vitamin A and E. apply to the skin of the eyes swab eyelids with a cotton.

Except for the masks, which are useful for the facial skin care and Toning lotions and lotions:

Facial care
  • green tea. They brew strong green tea, add a few leaves of peppermint. Allow to cool, moisten welding cotton swab and RUB massage your face gently;
  • the juice of the parsley. Many women suffer not only from the appearance of wrinkles, but also of many age spots. One of the most effective home remedies to combat pigmentation juice of parsley. To cook a Lotion, a bunch of fresh parsley you should grind in a blender or meat grinder and carefully squeeze the juice through several layers of gauze. Dilute the juice to half with warm water and wipe the face with a cotton ball;
  • the lemon. Dark spots to lighten and improve the elasticity of the skin helps lemon Kefir Lotion. Teaspoon fresh lemon juice mix with a tablespoon of yogurt. Dive you apply in the received mixture of gauze or fabric as the basis for the mask and the face.

Care for Mature skin requires special regularity and thoroughness. Properly chosen means of regular maintenance mask, the right nutrition, walks in the fresh air, and enough sleep – the pledge, the youth and beauty, even the Mature skin.